Even if I can’t see you anymore(即便再也無緣相見)

I have to look ahead and step out right now(如今卻也不能再裹足不前)

I’m a coward who hides my real self every time I think of what is really important(真切思考之際卻發現隱藏著另一個真實的自我)

I don’t want to be selfish(不再膽怯與任性)

A town without you seems too wide for me(沒有你的寂寞街頭對於孤獨的我來說太過空曠)

Where should I begin to walk to?(試問路向何方?)

The overflowing diamonds along my cheek glitter as they fall(盈眶而出的鑽石沿著臉頰飛舞而下)

I pray for strength that won’t be hurt no matter how sad I am(無論那一刻多麼悲傷只願能變得堅強而不受傷害)

(This is only the partial English lyrics,not the full English lyrics)


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